Call us: (773) 233-9401
Hotel Catering Offering

Add The Golf Guys to your catering offerings for upcoming events...welcome receptions, conferences, trade shows..whatever, The Golf Guys will add a positive "buzz" to virtually any upcoming hotel event.

Let us know when you develop interest in The Golf Guys and we'll hold the date(s) for you without obligation until your client decides.

 An interactive golf-related offering that is a "can't miss" for your next event.  The Golf Guys' high-tech, computerized swing analysis will be huge at your next event.

You can offer The Golf Guys as a premium for your favored association or trade client or as a sponsorship offering for their event.  Either way, The Golf Guys will provide an inter-active attraction that each visitor will appreciate as a $50 value at the pro shop back home!

Call or email today to discuss dates and pricing.

773 233 9401


e-mail the golf guys at